Over the past few years, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of Cloud-based services, especially in the tech industry. IT professionals spend a lot of time managing, purchasing, administering, and upgrading IT services, often distracting them from the mission-critical objectives of their organization. It is one of the primary reasons why many IT departments are shifting towards cloud technology to transform and simplify their in-house operations.

The term “cloud computing” includes a range of types, classifications, and architectural models with three major categories called Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud. Under these categories, both the service technology and the underlying infrastructure can take various forms, such as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS), or virtualized, hyper-converged, and software-defined models.

This article presents a comparison between the two most popular models, Public Clouds and Private Clouds.

What is a Private Cloud?

A private cloud focuses mainly on virtualization, making it possible to separate the IT services and resources from physical devices. Applications are available virtually on the cloud, as they do not run locally on servers or end devices. It is an ideal solution for companies that deal with strict data processing and security requirements. It allocates services according to the client’s needs, which makes Private Cloud a more flexible option.

For security, a firewall protects the private cloud from any unauthorized external access, and only authorized users can access private cloud applications either through closed Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) or through the client organization’s intranet. The Cloud service providers give users the necessary authentication rights to access the services.

How Does it Work?

A private cloud is set up to meet one organization’s goals and needs in a single-tenant environment. This means that only one company (tenant) uses it and does not have to share any other users’ resources. You can host and manage these resources in several ways.

Private clouds can have infrastructure and resources based on-premises in a company’s data center. Or they can be set up on an external infrastructure leased from a third-party cloud service provider. Thus an organization, third party, or a combination of both can own or manage a private cloud, and it can exist on or off-premises or in combination.

It needs an operating system to function. You can stack different software types such as virtualization and container software to determine how the private cloud will function or be deployed. It’s not as simple as tacking on a hypervisor to a server. Virtualization software enables single-tenant environments to pool and allocate resources. It allows companies to self-service, letting them scale resources up or down as requirements change, and it’s these qualities define a private cloud environment.


What is Public Cloud?

A Public Cloud Model involves delivering IT services directly to the client across the internet. The service is either free, premium-based, or subscription-based, based on the volume of computing resources a client consumes.

Public Cloud Vendors are generally responsible for managing, maintaining, and developing the pool of computing resources shared between multiple clients. One of the defining aspects of Public Cloud solutions includes its high scalability and elasticity.

Public Clouds are an affordable option that provides vast choices when it comes to the offered solutions, and the computing resources, based on the organizational requirements of the client.

How Does it Work?

A Public Cloud consists of a multitude of servers, connected to a central server. A central server is responsible for controlling the network through an intermediary program. This middleware enables communication between all the participating devices in the system. A central server is mainly responsible for distributing tasks, previously defined in protocols.

Users in a public cloud connect directly through the internet. They access a web-based user interface after setting up their accounts. Thus, such interfaces can accommodate every requirement. It ranges from individual applications to massive infrastructures. Providers also manage the backend and provide hardware such as data storage devices and computers.

Public vs. Private Cloud Comparison Chart

Private Clouds and Public Clouds differ in some significant technical aspects. Depending on the needs or priorities, organizations may choose either Public Clouds or Private Clouds for their operations.

Points of Difference Public Cloud Private Cloud
User Access Public Cloud services are mostly available to all. Even though individual users act independently, they access and use a shared resource pool. Private Clouds grant only authorized users the right to access their cloud services. Thus, resources are not shared and are allocated separately to each client.
Adaptability In Public Clouds, resources cannot be adapted precisely by any individual client, as multiple clients use the same computing or resource pool. Private Clouds allow a computer, network, and storage capacity to alter and adapt to a particular client’s requirements. Thus, it will enable the technology to be adjusted precisely by private parties.
Security Public Clouds have a fundamental security compliance model. To counter any shortfalls, many providers offer additional protection to add ons. Private Clouds have an isolated network environment. It provides enhanced security to comply with various data protection legislation.
High Performance Public Clouds involve multiple users making use of the same shared resource. Thus, it may reduce performance levels across the network. Since it’s from a dedicated server, high performance is almost guaranteed.
Costs Involved Public clouds are a more affordable option as they’re mainly a “pay as you go” service. Private cloud solutions require substantial upfront investments to implement massive Software, hardware, and staffing requirements. On-going costs also include growth and maintenance costs.
Support and Maintenance Usually handled by the Cloud provider’s technical team. Usually supervised by the client company’s professional administrators.
Scalability Scalability in public clouds is by self-managed tools provided by the provider to the customer. It depends on the service level agreement. Scalability in private clouds is in-house.
Best Suited for Public Clouds provide affordable solutions that offer room for growth. It is thus ideal for application testing and cloud disaster recovery for small scale companies Private Clouds are for high-performance security and customizable options. It is, therefore, suitable for protecting sensitive data and applications.

Advantages of Public Cloud for Businesses

Public Cloud technology has almost become an essential cornerstone of the worldwide effort behind digitization. Implementing this technology can provide some fantastic benefits to organizations, such as:

  • Costs According to requirements: Public Clouds offer each customer with their access to the cloud, allowing them to book individual services according to their organizational needs. They do not require any long-term licenses. Instead, users can rent on a package basis for all their employees, and billing is according to demand. As a result, services are more flexible, allowing users to increase server capabilities if required temporarily.
  • Scalability: Clients can easily prevent downtime due to overloading caused by high traffic levels. They can increase their resources. Consequently, they can reduce the volume or support if it’s not required anymore.
  • Economic: Public Cloud technology requires much less hardware compared to its private counterpart. Thus, it is mainly due to data centers on the provider’s site. Any additional software required by clients is available in the required scope. You do not have to buy any other software solutions and packages.
  • Reduced complexity: Public Clouds do not require much IT expertise to handle the infrastructure from the client’s end. The Cloud vendor, instead, is responsible for managing the infrastructure.
  • Focusing on core competencies: Public Clouds provide cost agility, allowing organizations to follow their growth strategies, focusing their energy and resources towards innovation.

public vs private cloudsAdvantages of Private Cloud for Businesses

Large companies tend to use public cloud technology as their data computing, storage, and security requirements evolve. Private Clouds provide some critical advantages mentioned below

  • Flexibility: Private Cloud solutions allow users to access their cloud from any location through the internet directly.
  • Cutting Personnel Costs: Private Cloud technology requires much less workforce and personnel. The provider is responsible for the operation and maintenance activities.
  • Investment: Users do not have to invest in server hardware.
  • Allows Customization: Cloud applications in a private cloud have provisions for customization based on the client company’s requirements.
  • Infrastructure: Private Clouds provide room for increased infrastructure capacity. Thus, it is ideal for companies that have major computing and storage requirements.
  • Features: Private clouds provide their users with several cloud performance and bandwidth monitoring tools.

Which Cloud Model to Choose?

Public and Private Cloud technologies offer companies advantages in several different ways. The final choice will be based on a collection of factors, limitations, and use-cases.

Public clouds are ideal for companies with predictable computing needs, like in communication services. They are also suitable for services and applications which perform various IT and business operations.

Private clouds are ideal for companies that operate in either government agencies or other highly regulated industries. Large technology companies that work with critical and personal data and require advanced data center technologies go for private cloud solutions.

Some organizations leverage all types of cloud solutions, including hybrid clouds, combining them to create a viable, flexible, and updated solution.

Do your due diligence first. Make a well-informed decision by considering the differences and limitations of each and your requirements. Need help finding out what’s right for you? Contact us today to get started on your journey to the cloud.